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HFP Horse Head
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6104, 6105 HFP Polo Bandages
6104, 6105 HFP Polo Bandages
6105 Standard size is 5" x 9ft with 2" wide hook & loop closure.
6104 Pony size is 4" x 5ft with 1.5" wide hook & loop closure.

black, pale blue, burgundy, kelly green, hunter, navy, bright orange, pink, purple, red, royal, white & yellow.
Made to meet Horse Fare Products standard for quality. Heavy 100% polyester fleece for comfort, protection and support. Both sides raised. Poly thread in strong doghouse stitch pattern.
Sold in set of 4

6113 HFP Standing Bandage
6113 HFP Standing Bandage
6113 9 ft available
black, burgundy, hunter, navy, purple, red, royal and white
100% polyester PK interlock colorfast knit fabric. 1 1/2 wide hook & loop closure attached with poly thread in strong doghouse stitch pattern. 6" wide & available in two lengths and 9 colors.
Sold in set of 4
 6113 HFP Standing Bandage 6113 HFP Standing Bandage 

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